Jan 30, 2006
George talks about educational opportunities for genealogists, and Drew shares some of the insights he gained in using microfilmed records at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City.
Jan 23, 2006
George and Drew discuss finding genealogy-related materials on eBay and sites for used books; and Drew interviews Paula Stuart-Warren on the subjects of Native American research, using professional genealogists, and doing research at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City.
Jan 12, 2006
As Drew gets ready to head off to Salt Lake City for a board meeting of the Federation of Genealogical Societies, he talks about Lulu (www.lulu.com), a service for printing books on demand. George wraps up his discussion of ecclesiastical records.
Jan 9, 2006
Drew catches up on the wide variety of topics found in the Genealogy Guys Podcast listener e-mailbag, and George starts a discussion of ecclesiastical records.
Jan 3, 2006
George is a bit under the weather, so Drew turns this podcast into a rare all-Smith program when he is joined by his special guests: husband-and-wife genealogy writers/speakers Gary and Diana Crisman Smith. But first, loyal Genealogy Guys Podcast listeners are given the opportunity to locate themselves on a Frappr map!