Oct 28, 2006
George announces Ancestorsonboard.com, a new database for passenger lists for those leaving the British Isles between 1890 and 1960. Other topics include the new online magazine, Digital Genealogist; and the new GenealogyBank.com database service; George and Drew dig into the podcast listener mailbag and discuss...
Oct 24, 2006
George and Drew mention the new Internet Explorer 7 and Mozilla Firefox 2.0 browsers. Ancestry.com has added German content. George and Drew have taken their first look at the new NewsBank genealogy databases product, GenealogyBank.com. George discusses an online map browsing service for Ireland, www.pasthomes.com. ...
Oct 17, 2006
George announces RootsMagic's new software product, Family Atlas, and its introductory price (www.familyatlas.com/introspecial.htm). Drew interviews professional genealogist Linda Woodward Geiger, where they talk about things to avoid when creating genealogy websites, what goes on in a state chapter meeting of the...
Oct 10, 2006
News includes the new RootsTelevision site (www.rootstelevision.com). Drew shares his interview with Paul Milner, where they discuss Paul's career and Paul offers advice on conducting British research. George talks about the usefulness of voter registration records. Finally, has George discovered that he and Drew are...
Oct 2, 2006
News items include the tragic death of genealogy librarian Ryan Taylor, an update to last week's naturalization topic including the Italian Genealogical Group's database project (www.italiangen.org/databaselist.stm), the upcoming conference of the North Carolina Genealogical Society (www.ncgenealogy.org) in Raleigh, the...