Jul 30, 2007
Jul 22, 2007
George announces the new version of Heredis (v. X.2), available at the MyHeredis Web site (http://www.myheredis.com/index.html), and a host of new and updated Ancestry.com databases. Drew discusses his experience with the Beta version of Family Tree Maker 2008. He also announces the launch of the English language...
Jul 18, 2007
George announces the availability of the Beta version of Family
Tree Maker 2008 and the
opportunity to pre-order for mid-August delivery at the
introductory price of $29.95 at the
Ancestry Store. Drew and George acknowledge the undisputed
"Genealogy Guys Podcast" Marathon Endurance leader!
George announces the...
Jul 11, 2007
George announces a new version of Pocket Genealogist software and a list of upcoming conferences. George and Drew discuss listeners' email about: "The Portal to Texas History" at texashistory.unt.edu/about/ which contains digitized books, histories, and photos of Texas; the use of WorldCat (www.worldcat.org) and Google...
Jul 6, 2007
George announces some British genealogical news and Web sites, including the medieval fine rolls of Henry III at www.finerollshenry3.org.uk. Drew reviews Andro Linklater's book, The Fabric of America. And Drew and George discuss "Geographic Hygiene" -- entering place names in a standard way and checking the accuracy...