Feb 28, 2020
Drew speaks with Cari Taplin, a Texas-based genealogist who blogs, writes courses and quick guides, and speaks at national and state genealogy conferences.
To learn more about Cari, visit her website at Genealogy Pants.
Feb 10, 2020
One last reminder of the deadline to respond to the proposed price increases by the USCIS. Details are here: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/01/24/2020-01189/us-citizenship-and-immigration-services-fee-schedule-and-changes-to-certain-other-immigration
News You Can Use and Share
Feb 3, 2020
Drew speaks with Randy Fredlund, co-founder of Vivid-Pix, the makers of RESTORE. Randy explains how an electrical engineer who once worked for Eastman Kodak became interested in how to improve personal underwater photography, and how that led to developing software to help genealogists recover the details in old faded...