Dec 21, 2014
There are date-sensitive announcements in this podcast episode.
The Genealogy GuysSM announce additional keynote speakers for RootsTech 2015. The Guys are RootsTech 2015 Ambassadors.
You can win a free all-access pass to RootsTech 2015 from The Genealogy Guys Podcast! Simply submit your best technology tip for genealogy to The Guys. Send your tip to us at Entries must be received by midnight Eastern Time on 31 December 2014. Include your name, address, email address, and telephone number.
The news includes:
Mobile app news:
· A new Android version of the Find A Grave app has been released and is available for free in the Google Play store.
· Beverly asked for information about downloading the podcast onto her Samsung S mobile phone or Nexus 10 tablet. Drew found five Android apps for podcasts at
Book news includes:
Listener email includes:
The Guys discuss genealogical research resources for Puerto Rico.
The next podcast will be a themed discussion: “Copyright on Photographs”. The Guys welcome your questions and suggestions on this subject (or on anything to do with copyright) at