Oct 30, 2022
We apologize for the delay in the publication of this episode.
Hurricane Ian and some severe computer problems have presented
production challenges.
News You Can Use and Share
- American Ancestors/New England Historic Genealogical Society
celebrated the lifetime contributions of David Rencher, Chief
Genealogical Officer of FamilySearch, with its Preservation and
History Award on 27 October 2022.
- MyHeritage has announced three major improvements to their
- Sorting abilities for Shared DNA Matches;
- The addition of 30 new historical record selections and 31
million new records added in September; and
- New and improved Family Statistics for your uploaded family
- Nathan Dylan Goodwin’s newest book, the second book in the
Venator Cold Case Series, The Sawtooth Slayer, has just
been released in paperback and Kindle formats.
- RootsTech 2023 registration is open for the largest genealogy
conference, to be held 2-4 March 2023 in Salt Lake City, Utah. You
may register to attend in person or virtually at https://www.rootstech.org.
- George shares information about the BYU Family History
Technology Lab at https://familytech.byu.edu.
Genealogy-related games and research and visualization tools are
fun and fascinating.
- Drew highlights new and updated collections added at
FamilySearch in September.
Listener Email
- Daniel writes to describe a DNA brick wall challenge.
- Tom B. discussed WWII-era photos and the fact that he has
scanned them. Now, what should he do with the originals?
- Tom S. wrote to share a brick wall breakthrough that he, his
cousin, and his mother made by checking various online services and
then going back and checking them for new record
George discussed his work on scanning photos he has carried with
him for as long as 60 years. He discussed the Fujitsu SV600
Scanner, the ScanSnap software that comes with the scanner, his
storage in Dropbox, his naming conventions, and using Vivid-Pix
Restore to improve the images. He discusses his conundrum about how
to obtain images from photo negatives, Kodak photo disks, and other
non-paper media. He shares surprises he found that help him
identify persons in many unlabeled photos. Finally, he shares Tom
B.’s concerns about what to do with originals.
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