This week's news includes: Congratulations to Matt Wright who
becomes editorial director at; a recap of a USA
Today report of 18 February about states unsealing adoption records
and opening original birth records to adoptees; passenger lists of
persons leaving the U.K. for the U.S., Canada, and Australia during
the 1940s are available at Ancestors Onboard at; the National History Show will be
held on 2-4 May 2008 in the Grand Hall, Olympia, London, and
tickets can be booked at
Listener e-mail includes more kudoes for The Guys' "Down Under"
video at; Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps at the
New York Public Library at (accessible now only at the NYPL), as
well as digital maps and photographs in their digital gallery at;
a number of video options for creating heritage DVDs and slideshows
using Apple Macintoshes and PCs have been suggested in various
price ranges:
George G. Morgan and Drew Smith discuss genealogy on The Genealogy Guys Podcast
Drew Smith interviews leaders of the genealogy community on Genealogy Connection