This week's news includes: adds Abraham Lincoln
Papers, New Orleans Slave manifests (1807-1860), Confederate
Pension Applications from Georgia, Confederate Applications
for Presidential Pardons, and U.S. Civil War Soldier Records and
Profiles; also has reduced the
prices of its DNA tests;
FamilySearch is partnering with
the Houston Public Library to digitize a vast collection of Gulf
Coast records; has
announced a new column by Phyllis Matthews Ziller; a new, free
online genealogy magazine has just been announced -- Genealogy In
Time at;
Federation of
Genealogical Societies (FGS) has just announced the program for
the 2009 Conference in Little Rock, Arkansas (2-5 September 2009)
and has made the program and registration available at;
registration is also now open for the Association of Professional
Genealogists' Professional Management Conference, to be held on 2
September 2009 in conjunction with the FGS Conference, and
registration is also available at;
Genes, maker of The Master Genealogist software program, has
announced its 5th annual conference, a "land cruise," to be held
26-30 August 2009 in Orkney Springs, Virginia, and information and
registration is available at;
George will appear at the Oregon Genealogical Society Conference in
Eugene, Oregon, on 7 March 2009, and more information is available
by calling the OGS Library at (541) 345-0399; NBC has announced
that it will begin televising the U.S. version of the popular
British program, "Who Do You Think You Are?"; the annual "Who Do
You Think You Are?" genealogy conference will be held at Olympia,
London, England, on 27 February to 1 March 2009; the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services has created a site at
at which you can enter your medical genealogy for your family; the
U.S. War Department papers (1784-1800) have been reconstituted and
digitized, and can be found at;
and David Rumsey, active collector of historical maps and owner of
the site,, has
announced that he will be donating his collection of maps to
Stanford University. In the meantime, there are more than 18,500
map images online at present, and plans are to add 3,000 to 5,000
images per year.
This week's listener email includes: Linda discusses Mozy
indicators on files; Gus shares another back up resource -- Click
Free at; Roger
discusses New York state censuses (and using his iPod at the gym!);
Paul discusses the problems he has working with search
results, and wishes that his own data
and data without any source citations
wouldn't show in searches; Pete discusses backups with Windows Home
Server; HP's equivalent, and Acer's new product; Victoria provides
an excellent idea for adding identifying information to your flash
drive, in case it gets lost or forgotten in a library or archive;
Valerie asked about what to expect at a local LDS Family History
Center; Tom discovered a subsidiary collection of information at
the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library website titled "Boys in
Blue," at,
and the site as a searchable database that references the
library's photographs of soldiers; and Rich shares a source
for "the world's most secure flash drive" at