Oct 17, 2006
George announces RootsMagic's new software product, Family Atlas,
and its introductory price
(www.familyatlas.com/introspecial.htm). Drew interviews
professional genealogist Linda Woodward Geiger, where they talk
about things to avoid when creating genealogy websites, what goes
on in a state chapter meeting of the Association of Professional
Genealogists, the fun of "ancestor roadshows" at state and national
conferences, and the Regional In-depth Genealogical Studies
Alliance (www.rigsalliance.org). Finally, George and Drew
discuss the importance of geography in genealogical research, and
suggest a number of books as well as online historical map
collections (the David Rumsey Historical Map Collection at
www.davidrumsey.com, and the Perry-Castaneda Library Map
Collection, UT-Austin at www.lib.utexas.edu/maps).