This week's news includes: NBC has temporarily shelved the U.S.
edition of the popular show, "Who Do You Think You Are?"; and,
the Canadian version of, has released a new database, Border
Crossings from the U.S. to Canada, 1908-1935, which contains more
than 1.6 million names. Drew eulogizes genealogist Donna Dinberg,
the noted librarian from the
Library and Archives Canada and
an expert in Jewish genealogy, who died of cancer on 11 April
George's new book, the second edition of
How to Do Everything: Genealogy, has
just been published by McGraw-Hill, and the book is available from at
George and Drew discuss upcoming seminar appearances. George will
be hosting a Webinar for titled, Planning a Perfect
Family Reunion, 14 May 2009 at 9:00 PM (Eastern). You can register
Listener email this week includes: Sharon reports that My Yahoo! is
not updating the podcasts listings, and The Guys ask for any
suggestions from other listeners; Melanie discusses contacting
other researchers who have errors in their online family trees;
Jill suggests having DNA testing done for your oldest relatives
before it is too late; Timothy, a Mac user, asks for advice about
how to use Windows-based CDs from his genealogy society that are
DRM protected; Stella reports that she followed George's
suggestions in his "The Genealogist as CSI" seminar, went back to
reread everything on one ancestor, and was able to verify his
participation in the War of 1812; Rollin reports on a free
Windows-based program, Winsplit Revolution, available at, that
"allows you to easily organize your open windows by tiling,
resizing and positioning them to make the best use of your desktop
real estate"; Matt Combs has developed a new piece of Windows-based
software called Surname Findit, available for download at, that helps
decipher possible surnames from fragments you may have discovered
in hard to read documents; Beth in Ontario, Canada, found an old
cookbook from New York and wonders whether people would be
interested in her digitized images of the pages (and Drew responds
with his expert research method used to locate the book and
digitized images); Rich forwarded the text of a 1984 death notice
of a man whose wife's maiden name is Weinglass (one of Drew's
ancestral lines); George asks for suggestions about how to cite
alternate spellings of a surname in his database and source
citations; The Guys thank Gus for his extensive research into
articles in the
Wall Street
Journal concerning services that digitize photos, and these
Drew discusses anonymity in posting to professional mailing
Drew is maintaining a blog to accompany his new book,
Social Networking for Genealogists, at