Oct 2, 2006
News items include the tragic death of genealogy librarian Ryan
Taylor, an update to last week's naturalization topic including the
Italian Genealogical Group's database project
(www.italiangen.org/databaselist.stm), the upcoming conference of
the North Carolina Genealogical Society (www.ncgenealogy.org) in
Raleigh, the soon-to-be-available first issue of Digital
Genealogist (www.digitalgenealogist.com), the availability of
British Telecom telephone books on Ancestry.com, and George's book
regarding London research repositories
(www.lulu.com/content/253150). George suggests things to do
during Family History Month and swaps stories with Drew regarding
genealogical serendipity. Drew shares his interview with
well-known genealogist Laura Prescott.