Apr 10, 2007
Topics include: reminders about upcoming large conferences/seminars
(NGS at ngsgenealogy.org, FGS at fgs.org, and the 2nd Annual
Genealogy Seminar at Sea (www.genealogycruises.com); followups on
translating Latin
(www.nottingham.ac.uk/mss/online/skills/dating/latin.phtml), on
newspaper archives, on testing one's skills
(www.bcgcertification.org/skillbuilders/), and on looking for info
from the Boston Transcript; backups of data; a new site for
listeners to investigate regarding free live online family history
classes (www.familyhistoryliveonline.com); the pros and cons of
blogs vs. non-blog websites; possible problems using FamilySearch
Indexing by a Linux user; an interesting drawing found in an Oxford
County (Ontario) marriage book; the National Institute for
Genealogical Studies at the University of Toronto
(www.genealogicalstudies.com); feedback regarding show notes; the
basics of subscribing to the Genealogy Guys Podcast using iTunes
(so that one can sync the podcasts to an iPod), printing the show
notes, and searching for content in past episodes; and whether or
not to refer to siblings of direct ancestors as "ancestors".
George also briefly reviews the book Infamous Scribblers.