Jul 4, 2018
The news includes:
Listener email includes:
The Guys discuss the launch of their new Genealogy Guys Blog at http://blog.genealogyguys.com/. They talk about the reasons for publishing the blog and the kinds of information that are being included there. George highlights some topics recently posted, and The Guys talk about how their own research strategies will be published as examples of methods.
Drew then discusses how to access and subscribe to the Genealogy Guys Blog and others using Feedly. Feedly (https://feedly.com/) is a news aggregator application for various web browsers and mobile devices running iOS and Android, also available as a cloud-based service. It allows you to subscribe to blogs and then to easily access and read them.
The Guys remind everyone that The Villages Genealogical Society is hosting a genealogy cruise in the Caribbean from February 2nd to 9th, and there are details at https://vgsfl.org/cpage.php?pt=167. The Guys will be speakers along with Blaine Bettinger and Ann Staley. It promises to be a great time combining a winter getaway and genealogy on the beautiful Norwegian Cruise Line Epic. Join us for a fabulous getaway!