Oct 23, 2018
The Guys celebrate the publication of their 400th episode (of the two podcasts taken together)!
George’s first article in The In-Depth Genealogist magazine (http://theindepthgenealogist.com) has just been published. He will be writing a column called Genealogy, by George in every issue. Podcast listeners can get a $10 discount on a subscription using the coupon code GUYS+IDGmag at http://www.theindepthgenealogist.com/subscription-form/.
Family Tree Magazine has published an e-book compilation of George’s popular Document Detective column at https://www.familytreemagazine.com/store/document-detective-ebook?.
The news includes:
Listener email includes:
Drew discusses GEDmatch, a tool for extending your research reach with your autosomal DNA test results and matching others who have tested.