Nov 8, 2019
The Genealogy Guys Learn educational subscription site launched
on October 1st and is a great success. New content has
been added at the beginning of November and more is scheduled
Drew reports on his trip to present at RootsTech London. He
reminisces on his profound trip to the Cambridge American Cemetery,
where he visited the grave of his father’s brother who was killed
in 1943.
News You Can Use and Share
- The Australian government has provided $10M in funding to the
National Archives of Australia to digitize 850,000 World War II
records over the next four years.
- Ancestry has significantly updated its collection of U.S.
- AncestryDNA has expanded its reference panel to deliver more
precise DNA ethnicity results. This is being rolled out by year's
- Ancestry has introduced AncestryHealth® to provide health
insights for testers and their families.
- Findmypast has released: Scotland, Will and Testament Index,
1481-1807; Scotland Monumental Inscriptions; Westmorland Baptisms,
Marriages, & Burials; Philippines Births, Baptisms, Marriages,
Deaths, and Burials from 1642-1974.
- has released a new newsletter and discusses
updates to courses about 23andMe, ANC101, and YDNA101, and
announced 6 new courses: Introduction to Autosomal DNA,
Introduction to GEDmatch, GEDmatch Advanced, Introduction to DNA
Painter, and Introduction to Shared Matches and Genetic
- Kevin Borland released a press release about Borland Genetics
a toolkit that acts on raw DNA files of related individuals,
enabling to reverse-engineer your ancestors.
- Drew discusses many new and expanded collections from
Blaine T. Bettinger
This week’s discussion between Blaine and Drew focuses on the
meaning and use of FIR and HIR.
Book Review
George reviews William Dollarhide’s brand-new book, The
Census Book: Facts, Schedules & Worksheets for the U.S. Federal
Censuses. George recommends the book highly, saying it should
be on every U.S. researcher’s and library’s bookshelf.
Our Listeners Talk to Us
- Faye heard us mention Augsburg, Bavaria, records and asked
where they were. George wrote back with a link from the
FamilySearch News.
- Gail asked if Genealogy Guys Learn includes content from all
learning levels. We firmly believe that so many of us started at
different levels with disparate documents that everyone would
benefit from starting over again. This approach allows everyone to
build or rebuild the foundation for solid research. You can, of
course, use portions of the written courses or videos for the
topics for which you have an immediate need. However, we guarantee
that you will find important new "Aha! moments" in each course or
- Nancy recalled that Drew is a member of the Guild of One-Name
Studies and whose study focuses on Bodie, Boddie, and all other
spelling variations. She sent information about a Stephen Body from
Maryland. Drew is always interested in more of these links.
- Tom inquired about an individual whom he believes was a doctor
who departed from Norfolk, Virginis, for Stamboul [Istanbul],
Turkey at the end of September 1931. He wants to know if this
person could have had some affiliation with the U.S. State
- Ryan asked a fascinating question about what primary photograph
to use to represent an ancestor in an online tree or in software.
What age is preferable? We’d love to hear opinions from our
- Darren attended RootsTech London and asks about relationship
software that might exist to link friends, associates, neighbors,
witnesses, and others.
Thank you to our Patreon supporters! Please tell your friends or
your society about our free podcasts.
Visit The Genealogy Guys Blog at
for more free news and interesting ideas for your
Enroll in Genealogy Guys Learn at
for written courses, videos, and helpful resources. New content
will be added every month!
And join The Genealogy Squad Facebook group at
for the highest quality help from the administrators Blaine T.
Bettinger, Cyndi Ingle, Drew Smith, and George Morgan, and from
almost 25,000 members worldwide!